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International economics

Prentice Hall series in economics

by Sawyer W. Charles.


Addressing the changing face of economics education, Sawyer and Spinkle's international economics volume is a thoroughly modern approach to the subject. Providing a discussion of international economics that is more accessible to a wider range of readers than is currently available anywhere else, the book incorporates a modern approach to open economy macroeconomics, and shifts the emphasis from pure theory to the applications of basic theory that use basic tools of analysis. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the world economy and discuss factor endowments and the commodity composition of trade, intraindustry trade, international factor movements, tariffs and nontariff distortions to trade, international trade policy, regional economic issues, international transactions and capital markets, exchange rates, macroeconomic policy, optimum currency areas and international monetary arrangements. For individuals interested in a comprehensive, updated approach to the subject of international economics.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2003
ISBN-13 9780130172761
ISBN-10 0130172766
Class Copyright
Publisher Prentice Hall
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 443
Shelf No. GS697