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"I Might Have Ended Up Like Bart Simpson"

Categories: Learning Disabilities

Molly Reno, dyslexic Learning Ally memberMolly Reno found out she was dyslexic in elementary school. She's written a humorous book about her experiences, and her Dummies for Dyslexia blog is a repository of wit and positive attitude about "being different."  A member of Learning Ally through grade school, high school and college, Molly has gone on to professional work in the design field, is a ferocious tri-athlete, and jumps at any chance to speak out on behalf of dyslexic students. "Over the years I have been a carhop at A&W Root Beer, a theater dork, snorkeling instructor, tri-athlete, and a fashion stylist. I have had around 20 jobs, failed more things than succeeded, lived in five states and two countries, and gotten lost about a billion times -- all while having a fifth grade reading level. "In the fourth grade I was diagnosed with dyslexia; from there I was introduced to Learning Ally (formerly Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic). I used Learning Ally to help me get through elementary and middle school and beyond. It changed my way of learning and ended a constant battle with my parents, who never stopped trying to get me to sit down to read my schoolbooks. I can't even imagine how I would have gotten through education without Learning Ally.  I might have ended up like Bart Simpson and be stuck in fourth grade for the past 20 years. "Living life as a dyslexic took many years and many tears to come to terms with. I have met my fair share of people telling me I can’t, you’ll fail, you’re not smart enough, you’re wrong, and straight up 'NO.'  One day, I realized that trying to be perfect is never going to happen and frankly, no one is perfect; it’s just way too hard. So many fun things happen when you make honest mistakes, which allow me to embrace all my imperfections and personality quirks.  It makes me very proud to be a dyslexic."